About SM








Street Modified Number Registry

In order to claim a number, follow these instructions EXACTLY.
  1. Send a mail message to trog@wincom.net with the subject line NUMBERBOARD REQUEST
  2. Note that the subject line is very important - mail filtering software is being used to direct the requests
  3. In that message, include the following information:
    1. Your name
    2. Your nationality (CAN | USA | UK? | ETC)
    3. The number you want
    4. The year, make, model of your car
    5. What motor is in the car
    6. The URL of your team homepage
    7. Your email address
    8. If you have (or intend to purchase) the official numberboard
    9. if you are going to attend:
      1. At least one ProSolo
      2. At least one National Tour
      3. Nationals 2001
    10. A picture of your car, preferably an action shot, and preferably with the numberboard on it The final image will be 300 X 130, so please select the image accordingly

The number registry has moved to the Teams page.

In order to provide a uniform "look" that identifies Street Modified cars right off, and to give our class a cohesiveness that helps build class identity, Street Modified is going to use a standardized numberboard.

This is not manditory, but if you're running a Street Modified car, we really, really, really want you to do this. The better we look (as a group) and the more unified we look, the more likely we are to get extra goodies from Denver and the press.

It doesn't matter if you're not going to do Pro or National events. Even if you're a buck newbie, we want your car to have the same identification "look" as the Pro cars.

What it Looks Like

The package consists of three elements:

  1. The SCCA NationalSolo Manditory Decal Package (provided by the SCCA) on the leading edge of the door
  2. The Street Modified Numberboard, on the door
  3. The National Flag/Driver's ID on the rear quarter windows

How to Get It

Item #1 is provided by the SCCA at National-level events, and can be obtained from Tech on-site, or by writing the the SCCA (see the SCCA website for details). Items #2 and #3 you have to have made for you at a sign shop.

And now, from Dale Seeley, who has been the pointy end of the stick on finding us a sign shop:

McAllister Sign and Imprint has created the file required to cut the 'official' Street Mod number plates for us. The 'cut file' will soon be available by download here for your local sign shop to use, or you can order directly from McAllister's.

The original quote for two number plates, with numbers, on magnetic stock is $55.00 plus shipping. They are also available in static and decal forms, call McAllister's for pricing.

[ The price for vinyl-only (no magnetic stuff) is slightly cheaper. Don't try and hold out for the freebies, getting one from me will involve something suitably public and humiliating ;) DG ]

To order the numberbords, call McAllister's directly at the number below

Included with each order will be the magnetic leftovers, two 8.5"x3" magnetic sheets for 'other' sticker affixments. bonus....

The McAllisters have their 10 year SCCA pins, race Spitfires, and are all-round great people. I highly recommend them for all of your sign and imprint needs.

Contact Chris McAllister directly at CFMcAll@aol.com, (716) 671-7270

Making it Yourself

The dimentions for the numberboard are as follows:
Height: 17"
Width: 14"
Height of upper section: 5"

The corners of the board are rounded joining the following straight sections:
Top: 12.5"
Sides: 15.5"

The board is outlined in black, with a 1/4" stroke. Dimentions given above are from outer edege to outer edge (ie, including the outline line) This means that the height of the white area at the top of the board is 4.5", and the bottom is 11.5".

The background of the board is solid white.

The top of the board contains the words "Street Modified" in Helvetica Bold, with "Street" over "Modified", left justified. On the extreme left is the SCCA logo, white lettering contained in a red box.

Numbers are Arial Bold Italic, 10.5" high, in Black, except for the ProSolo National Champion, whose "1" is in Red.

If you're having trouble getting 3-digit numbers to fit in the box, shrink or overlap the numbers a little bit - don't change the size of the board.

The Drivers ID package consists of:

  1. National Flag
  2. Driver's first initial, period, driver's last name (J. Driver) in white Helvetica Bold, sized to fit on the rear quarter windows

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