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The Club DSM Autocross Hall of Fame
The DSM Autocross Hall of Fame
(Roughed in for the momemt and in no particular order)
Dennis Grant |
Home Region...........Detroit
Home Page.............farnorthracing.com
Classes Competed In...GS, ESP, P2, SM
Dennis is the 2004 Canadian DM National Champion, the 2002 SCCA ProSolo Honda Street Challenge
Champion, the 2002 SCCA ProSolo SM Series Champion, is a multi-time CENDIV Divisional Champion, was the ProSolo Rookie of the Year,
and has over 9 wins at the National level - all in the same DSM. He has been to every Nationals since 1997 and has competed in
every ProSolo series season since 1998.
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Fedja Jeleskovic (Mr DSM) |
Home Region...........Boston??
Home Page.............None
Classes Competed In...ESP, SM
Fedja ran a 2G DSM in both ESP and SM in SCCA ProSolo and National level Solo competition. He has
over 4 wins at the highest level, including 3 Nationals trophies, and was the first DSM to win a National level event in ESP. Currently retired.
Fedja, send me some more info and a picture.
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Eric Stemler |
Home Region...........Chicago??
Home Page.............None
Classes Competed In...ESP
Although he never won a race in it, Eric was the only competitor to regularly compete at the
highest level in a 1G DSM, at at the time of his retiring it (in favour of an EVO 8) it represented the peak of 1G autocross preparation.
Eric, you need to send me a picture too.
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Mike Montalvo (Mike@DSS) |
Home Region..??
Home Page....www.diamondstarspecialties.com/
Long time DSM shop owner, Mike brought his car out to a pair of ProSolos in California and won SM both
times. This makes him the first DSM to win in National-level SM, and the only 1G car to ever win a National level event. Mike has not
competed since.
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Brian Fitzpatrick |
Home Region...........Nebraska
Home Page.............None
Classes Competed In...ESP
Brian ran a 2G DSM in ESP in 1999 and 2000, scoring a MIDIV Divisional Championship and a pair of Nationals
trophies. Brian has since sold his DSM and won the 2004 DS National Championship at the helm of an Integra Type R.
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Mark Allen |
Home Region...........Florida??
Home Page.............None
Classes Competed In...GS
When the Grant/McIver/Eady team sprung the DSM on GS in 1998, Mark (the then GS ProSolo series points leader)
saw the writing on the wall and hooked up with Alan Stratton. Mark then went on to win the ProSolo Season Finale, the ProSolo GS series, and the
GS National Championship in the Stratton car. He ties with Renee Eady for first ever DSM ProSolo Series Champion, and was the first DSM Solo2
National Champion.
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Renee Eady |
Home Region...........Florida??
Home Page.............None
Classes Competed In...GS
The third member of the 1998 Grant/McIver/Eady ProSolo team, Renee won the 1998 ProSolo Ladies Challenge
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John McIver |
Home Region...........Detroit
Home Page.............None
Classes Competed In...GS
The second member of the Grant/McIver/Eady ProSolo team ran a DSM for the first time at the 1998 Peru Pro
when his own Mazda MX6 was down for maintainance. He won the event, was instantly sold on the AWD launch, and proceeded to win the next three
events plus a National Tour, making a serious run at the Championship, and forcing Mark Allan to find a DSM of his own. John later hooked up
with Alan Stratton, and went on to win a ProSolo GS Series Championship of his own.
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Allen Stratton |
Home Region...........Florida??
Home Page.............None
Classes Competed In...GS
First teamed up with Mark Allan, later teamed up with John McIver, Allen went on to some success of his
own, winning a couple of National level events in GS
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Sam Krauss |
Home Region...........??
Home Page.............None
Classes Competed In...GS, DS
Sam ran his 2G in GS and DS at National level events and Nationals.
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Ross Fortini |
Home Region...........Chicago??
Home Page.............None
Classes Competed In...GS
Ross ran his 2G in National level events and Nationals from 1997-2000. Ross sold his DSM and was last seen
running a Formula Ford.
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Charles Moss |
Home Region...........Boston
Home Page.............None
Classes Competed In...ESP
A protoge of Fedja the Unspellable, Charles has taken up the DSM in ESP mantlet, running the ProSolo
Series and Nationals in 2003-present.
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Mac Crossett |
Home Region...........Detroit
Home Page.............None
Classes Competed In...ESP
Mac was the first DSM to ever compete in ESP at Nationals, and was a frequent contributor to the Talon
Digest back in the day. Currently retired from National competition.
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Admission Requirements for the Club DSM Autocross Hall of Fame
To qualify for the Hall of Fame, you must have:
- Competed in a DSM at the SCCA Solo2 Nationals, or
- Won a National level SCCA event or equivelent
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Copyright 1998-2004 Dennis Grant. All rights reserved